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The 6 Book Comprehension Skills – Scholastic Collection


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Add this set of 6 comprehension books, each 80 pages and each containing 100 Task Cards i.e. 600 in total.




Add this set of 6 books, each 80 pages and each containing 100 Task Cards i.e. 600 in total.

That is 480 pages and 600 task cards across the following 6 areas:

  • Making Inferences
  • Context Clues
  • Text Evidence
  • Figurative language
  • Literary Text
  • Informational Text

Add the tasks of these books to your classroom routine and watch students’ comprehension skills soar.

Each task card contains a high-interest mini passage and five key questions to hone must know skills – in just 10 minutes a day. Cards provide guided support to help students acquire key comprehension skills, across a suite of fiction and non-fiction texts.

There are 2 Task Cards per reproducible page or simply use technology to project the task card up onto the Interactive Whiteboard for whole class engagement.

Comprehension is a suite of skills. Practice them each day for 10 minutes and see the difference!