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Pictures, Poems & Percussion 1


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Ages 6-10: Pictures, Poems & Percussion by Ann Bryant is a brand new music resource for primary education. The interweaving of the 3 title elements is a very exciting concept, albeit a simple one: take a carefully crafted poem, illustrate it imaginatively and then provide some creative music-making activity to accompany it. What do you get? An original and exciting resource that will have you addressing the requirements of the National Curriculum for Music, (especially the dreaded composing), without a moment’s panic or hours of anxious preparation. The opportunities it affords for music-making are endless. This is a project that will have your children engaged and participating – performing, composing and responding – inspiring them on many levels in the process.

This resource has been put together with very clear goals in mind. It will undoubtedly unlock enormous amounts of creativity. It will spark the imagination. It will foster confidence and dare we say it, enthusiasm, amongst the most reticent of classroom music teachers. Titles include:
On The Ning Nang Nong,
Boris’s Amusing Stork-Scaring Game,
Mad On Popping,
Jangling Tambourines,
The Rhythm Of Life,
Dark And Light,
My Friend Morrison Magic,
It’s Wicked At Gran’s!
The Sound Of The Wind,
The Treasure At The End Of The Rainbow.