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The Teacher Clarity Playbook, Grades K-12


On a clear day, you can learn forever— that’s the adapted lyric you’ll be happily humming once you’ve covered this playbook, because you will have mastered using learning intentions and success criteria, the twin engines of Teacher Clarity. This template-filled guide shows you how to own it, do it, and live it—and your students will be more successful as a result.

Teacher clarity is both a method and a mindset, and it has an impressive effect size of 0.75 (Hattie, 2009). “It’s teaching that is organized and intentional,” explain Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Olivia Amador, and Joseph Assof. “It brings a forthrightness and fairness to the classroom because student learning is based on transparent expectations. And when we are clear, our students can better plan and predict, set goals, and acquire a stronger sense of how to judge their own progress.“

Succinct, smart, and swift, this book’s nine learning modules takes you systematically through a process that begins and ends with standards. With abundant cross-curricular examples that span grade levels, planning templates for every step, key professional learning questions, and a PLC guide with video and PowerPoints, you have the most practical planner for designing and delivering highly effective instruction:

  1.  Identifying Concepts and Skills
  2.  Sequencing Learning Progressions
  3.  Elaborating Learning Intentions
  4.  Crafting Success Criteria
  5.  Modifying Learning Intentions to Include Language Expectations
  6.  Determining the Relevance of the Learning
  7.  Designing Assessment Opportunities
  8.  Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences
  9.  Establishing Mastery of Standards

Designed for PLCs or independent teacher use, The Teacher Clarity Playbook helps practitioners align lessons, objectives, and outcomes of learning seamlessly, so that the classroom hours flow productively for everyone. For any teacher striving to be more organized and have stronger relationships with students, this is the book that shows you how.

Visible Learning® Supporting Resources

The Teacher Clarity Playbook, has been recognized for focusing on practices that have high effect sizes and will help you translate the groundbreaking Visible Learning research into practice. When educators use strategies that have high effects (greater than 0.40), they can accelerate student achievement. The power of the Visible Learning research lies in helping educators understand which factors have the highest impact on student achievement so that educators can begin making strategic decisions based on evidence that will utilize their time, energy, and resources to the best extent possible.

The Visible Learning research is based on Professor John Hattie’s unmatched meta-analysis of more than 1600 research reviews comprising 95,000 studies, involving more than 300 million students—the world’s largest evidence base on what works best in schools to improve student learning. From that research Dr Hattie identified more than 250 factors that have an impact on student achievement.



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