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Numicon: Coloured Counters Pack of 200


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SKU 978-0-19-833097-4 Category


Numicon Kit 3 extends the successful multi-sensory Numicon mathematical approach into lower Junior school (ages 7-8), providing step-by-step teaching ideas built around problem-solving contexts plus easy-to-use planning and assessment support.


  • All Numicon activities have been thoroughly test-driven in the classroom by real teachers working with real children so they really work
  • The Numicon approach is research-based and proven to have a significant and lasting impact on results
  • Kit 3 combines the use of structural apparatus with carefully designed activities to develop children’s ability to investigate, explore and problem-solve in mathematics
  • Kit 3 provides step-by-step activities for the whole class, group, pairs and individuals across three strands: Pattern and Algebra, Numbers and the Number System, and Calculation
  • Kit 3 includes easy-to-use Planning and Resources Disk (in the Teaching Guide) with print-off copymasters and classroom displays plus editable medium and long term planning support


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