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My Learning Log for Second to Sixth Class


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My Learning Log is an amazing NEW publication from Rainbow Education.
We are making it available right now for only €2.95
Equip your class for the year ahead with this 56 Page, A4 Log-book and change the way they engage with learning.
Why not have Tuesday and Thursday as learning log homework night i.e. 2 nights a week for 26 weeks?
Children recall and record what they have learned in a lesson or series of lessons based on the acronym STAR, meaning to Stop, Think And Record.
My Learning Log is a new departure for how children and young people engage with and recall their learning.
Ask a student the apparent simple question: What did you learn today? …. and listen to the silence, often combined with a blank stare and a shrug of the shoulders!
However, when they are pressed on the question and given the time to stop, to think and to reflect, they will often recall the essential points of learning across many lessons and subjects.
When children spend time thinking about their learning, then the learning becomes deeper and even more meaningful e.g. when a child thinks about an idea such as multiplication in mathematics, what it means, how you do it and most especially how it applies in the world around us, then he/she will come to know it so much better.
Logs are completed in school at the end of the school day, BUT more often they are completed at home as part of homework, really challenging the child to think about his/her learning and to record it – see Aoife’s sample log below.
STOP: it’s ‘Learning Log’ time. Get out your book, pens, colouring pencils, markers and materials.
Get ready to think about and record what you have learned in one or more of the following subjects:
Gaeilge, Mathematics, English, History, Geography, Science, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education and S.P.H.E.
THINK: pick a subject and a lesson to think about, or as directed by your teacher. What did you do? What new information did you learn? What do you understand now? How will you use this new information? Did you learn a new skill? How will you use this new skill? Did you ask any questions during the lesson? Have you any questions now? How will you find the answer to the question?
AND…….. this is the fun, creative part.
RECORD: briefly log & record the important points of what you did and what you learned, showing what you now know, understand and are able to do. How will you do it? Will you use words, pictures, labelled diagrams, examples, doodles, word-webs, creative cartooning to show ideas, folded-down-flaps etc. You choose the way to show your learning in your learning log. Is there further research or investigating that you would like to do on the topic? Is there a burning question you have that needs an answer?
Questions to guide your thinking about your learning.
What have you done in _______ today? (What was completed during the lesson)
What have you learned in ______ today? (What new ideas or skills did you learn?)
What did you do well in the lesson?
What can you improve on?
What will you do to improve even further?
How can you use what you learned in your life, in your living?
What were the main ideas in today’s lesson?
What did you understand best?
What resources have helped you to understand the lesson?
Did ICT play a role in how you learned today?
Was what you learned important?
Did you ask any questions during the lesson? Did you answer any?
Have you a question now?
What feedback have you been given and how will you improve your work next time?
What did you find interesting in what you learned?
Is there a question that you would like to ask your teacher?
What did you know about the topic before the lesson?
How do you know if you learned anything? Prove it!
If you were making out the class quiz based on the work, what questions would you put in there?
Did you do any special or creative thinking during the lesson?
Had you any WOW! moments during lessons?
Did you learn any new Irish or English words this week? Any interesting words?
What was your favourite activity this week?
Is there an area where you need to improve, something you need help with?
What do you consider your greatest accomplishment this week and why?
Is there a piece of learning that you would like to share?
How well did you participate during the ________ lesson. What ranks as excellent participation?
Is there anything from the ______ lesson that you find puzzling, difficult to understand or doesn’t make sense?
What do you need to know more about, and how can you go about finding out more?
As you can see in the log below, completed as homework on a Tuesday night, Aoife has recalled what she learned in the previous two days in aspects of English, Geography, Mathematics and Gaeilge. She has recalled and recorded the essential learning points from lessons on Monday & Tuesday, further cementing her learning and demonstrating what she has both learned & understood. She further highlights the phrases that are to be used at home in Irish and has flagged a word that she needs to give special attention to regarding spelling i.e. ‘these’.
Learning Log work can be shared with ‘Learning Log Partners’, where pupils review learning together, and teacher/parent/guardian can also view & discuss learning and progress with their children.
This new ‘LEARNING LOG’ format is a paradigm shift in how children will reflect on and think about their learning, factually recording what they did and what they learned, using words, webs, pictures, doodles, diagrams, etc., just like Aoife.
Learning Logs are part of a schools’ active learning and assessment strategy. Learning Logs are about revision, reflection, active recalling, recording and ‘doing’!
As the research has shown, we remember:
20% of what we see
30% of what we hear
40% of what we say
50% of what we do
90% of what we see, hear, say and do!
There is plenty of guidance and guiding questions inside the front cover to help guide learning log work. We want every child to shine, to be a STAR; to Stop, Think, And Record what they did and what they learned. Childrens’ learning is enhanced through the simple process of thinking about and recording their learning experiences on a regular systematic basis, a couple of times a week.
Over the course of the school year, the learning log becomes a documentary record of each student’s work process, their accomplishments, their ideas or their questions.
The log can be completed at home as part of homework or in school at the end of a lesson, transforming both approaches to homework and assessment.
Wishing all students every enjoyment and success in compiling & completing their own unique & personal learning logs this school year.
Enjoy learning and ‘always be the very best that you can be’!
ORDER TODAY:  just email your own Name, School Name & Address and quantity required to [email protected] and we will despatch with an invoice.


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