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Mentoring New Teachers


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Mentoring New Teachers

TotalPages: 168

In supporting Droichead, this book provides practical, doable strategies and guidance to mentors on the school’s Professional Support Team, as well as the opportunity to practice those strategies with immediate feedback. A short and easy read for people who need good advice but don’t have a lot of time to spare.

Quality mentoring can provide the support and guidance critical to an educator’s first years of teaching. In the latest edition of the best-selling Mentoring New Teachers, Hal Portner draws upon research, experience, and insights to provide a comprehensive overview of essential mentoring behaviors. Packed with strategies, exercises, resources, and concepts, this book examines four critical mentoring functions: establishing good rapport, assessing mentee progress, coaching continuous improvement, and guiding mentees toward self-reliance. Tools and topics new to this edition include:Teacher mentor standards based on the NBPTS standards and validated by the International Mentoring AssociationClassroom observation methods and competency instruments.

The Professional Support Team can use this step-by-step handbook to create a dynamic mentoring program or revitalize an existing one.

Overview of the Contents  
About the Author
Support for Mentoring  
Effective Mentors Are Made, Not Born  
Mentoring Is Not Evaluating  
Mentoring’s Role in Induction  
The Mentor’s Primary Role  
What Mentors Do: The Four Mentoring Functions  
Teacher Mentor Standards  
1. Relating
Establishing Trust  
Paying Attention to Thoughts and Feelings  
The Student Teacher Dilemma  
Communicating Nonverbally  
A Checklist of Relating Behaviors  
A Mentoring Relationship Is a Serving Relationship  
2. Assessing
The Nontraditional New Teacher  
Generic Needs of New Teachers  
Specific Needs of Your Mentee  
Gathering Resources  
Your Mentee’s Learning Preferences  
Modes of Communication  
3. Coaching
Coaching Assumptions  
The Coaching Cycle  
The Preobservation Conference  
The Initial Classroom Visit  
Focused Classroom Observations: When and How  
Some Observation Considerations  
The Postobservation Conference  
When to Show and Tell  
Coaching Adults  
4. Guiding
Guiding Your Mentee’s Journey: A Decision-Making Process  
Identifying Your Mentee’s Problems  
Guiding Principles  
The Unwilling and Unable Mentee  
The Moderately Willing and Somewhat Able Mentee  
The Competent and Confident Mentee  
The All-of-the-Above Mentee  
From Mentor-Mentee to Peer-Peer  
5. Mentoring’s Legacy: Career-Long Professional Development
Teacher’s Inquiry Process  
From TIP to MIP  
6. Tips and Observations
Set Ground Rules Early  
Help Change Happen  
Avoid Information Overload  
Share Decision Making  
Know When to Intervene  
Mentoring, Remediating, and Peer Review  
Maintain the Relationship  
Don’t Forget Content  
What Is Your Mentee Asking For?  
Know When to Wean  
Find Time to Mentor  
Earn Points Toward Teacher Recertification  


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