Get this book for every child preparing for confirmation – only €3.95.
‘Getting Ready for My Confirmation’ is a workbook into which each child preparing for the sacrament of confirmation will record his/her own thoughts, ideas, understandings and responses, in relation to God, friends, family and the wider community, as they prepare to receive the sacrament of confirmation,
It is essentially a compilation of each child’s own musings, writings, drawings, illustrations and photographs’
It is a repository of their reflections and memories as they journey towards receiving conflrmation.
It will certainly be a unique and treasured personal keepsake for each child.
The Book Content Consists of the following:
Milestones in My Christian Story;
God First Called Me In Baptism;
My Community;
My God Given Talents;
The Holy Bible;
My Bible Work;
Jesus: His Life and Ministry;
The Laws of Man;
The Laws of God;
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit;
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit in My Life;
My Confirmation Name;
I Am Preparing;
Journeying with God through the Holy Spirit;
The Apostles’ Creed;
The Beautitudes;
The Sacrament of Reconciliation;
The Parables of Jesus;
The Story of Pentecost;
The Stations of the Cross;
A Stained Glass Window;
Images of the Holy Spirit;
My Confirmation Prayers;
The Holy Rosary;
The Light of Christ;
My Confirmation Sponsors;
My Confirmation Cermony;
My Confirmation Class Photograph;
Living a ‘Spirit’ Filled Life;
Living My Confirmation.
Once all pages are completed and photographs pasted in, each child has a treasured keep-sake of this great milestone in their lives.
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