
‘a landmark Irish graphic novel’
Irish Times
‘pulls the story together brilliantly … a lovely thing to have’
Tom Dunne, Newstalk 106
‘Few other publications have brought the Rising to life as viscerally as Gerry Hunt’s Blood Upon the Rose … an interesting and fresh take on a tale that most people would assume they knew by rote’
Sunday Tribune
‘the Easter Rising as you’ve never seen it before … a colourful comic story about the famous revolt’
Evening Herald
‘will appeal to youngsters and will familiarise with them with the heroes and heroines of the Easter Rebellion’
Irish Examiner
‘shows the rising in all its multicoloured glory’
Irish Examiner
Belfast Telegraph
‘a ground-breaking work’
Primary Times Magazine
‘an excellent introduction to politics’
Primary Times Magazine
‘an enjoyable read’
CBI Bookfest Guide 2009
‘illustrations are bright and appealing’
CBI Bookfest Guide 2009
‘I would certainly recommend this book’
Michael Doorley, Inis Magazine
‘[a] new and exciting departure in Irish publishing’
Inis Magazine
‘for 12 years and over’
Primary Times Magazine
‘A colourful comic book is bringing the 1916 Rising to life for a new generation of young Irish people’
Irish Daily Star
‘has already been snapped up by teachers and students alike’
Irish Daily Star
The Irish Daily Star
‘brings the story to life through illustration and lively text and could be a great resource to engage history students’ interest in that period in Irish history’
‘rings the story to life through illustration and lively text and could be a great resource to engage history students’ interest in that period in Irish history’
‘excellent illustrations and artwork … an impressive work’
Evening Echo
‘the artwork is second to none, handled with a light touch and there is none of the overwrought pomposity sometimes present in American graphic novels’
Evening Echo
‘an unexpected publishing hit’
Irish Independent
‘a fantastic way of digesting a bit of history in a fun and vivid format … Hunt’s graphics bring the story of their struggle for Irish freedom to life in a way that sterile prose in a school history book never could’
Books Ireland
‘graphics … convey the tension and the atmosphere of fear that must have surrounded Dublin in those days’
Books Ireland
‘the Easter Rising as you’ve never seen it before … a colourful comic story about the famous revolt’
Evening Herald
‘Gerry Hunt gave a brief, excellent and very modest talk on the work … It was more than fitting that Honor O Brolchain, grand-niece of Joseph Plunkett, was also present to deliver a fine talk on Joseph Plunkett, Grace Gifford and the importance of the j
Come Here Me
‘Few other publications have brought the Rising to life as viscerally as Gerry Hunt’s Blood Upon the Rose … an interesting and fresh take on a tale that most people would assume they knew by rote’
Sunday Tribune
‘Following on from the success of political graphic novels such as Maus and Persepolis, this is accessible, informative and insightful history at its best … help give a sense of realism to the story, Hunt presents an art style deeply influenced by his a
Comic Related
‘pulls the story together brilliantly … a lovely thing to have’
Tom Dunne, Newstalk 106
‘brings you back to your youth when comics were all the rage, but now you can enjoy all that again by reading a graphic novel about our great and proud history’
An Cosantóir’s
‘a landmark Irish graphic novel’
Irish Times
‘everyone has heard of the Easter Rising, but never has it been told in such a colourful and exciting way as this graphic novel’
An Cosantóir’s
‘an enjoyable read’
CBI Bookfest Guide 2009
‘illustrations are bright and appealing’
CBI Bookfest Guide 2009
‘I would certainly recommend this book’
Michael Doorley, Inis Magazine
‘[a] new and exciting departure in Irish publishing’
Inis Magazine
‘a ground-breaking work’
Primary Times Magazine
‘for 12 years and over’
Primary Times Magazine
‘an excellent introduction to politics’
Primary Times Magazine
‘shows the rising in all its multicoloured glory’
Irish Examiner
‘will appeal to youngsters and will familiarise with them with the heroes and heroines of the Easter Rebellion’
Irish Examiner
Belfast Telegraph
‘brings the story to life through illustration and lively text and could be a great resource to engage history students’ interest in that period in Irish history’
‘A colourful comic book is bringing the 1916 Rising to life for a new generation of young Irish people’
Irish Daily Star
‘has already been snapped up by teachers and students alike’
Irish Daily Star
Irish Daily Star
‘excellent illustrations and artwork … an impressive work’
Evening Echo
‘the artwork is second to none, handled with a light touch and there is none of the overwrought pomposity sometimes present in American graphic novels’
Evening Echo
brings the story to life through illustration and lively text and could be a great resource to engage history students’ interest in that period in Irish history
Comic Related:’A colourful comic book is bringing the 1916 Rising to life for a new generation of young Irish people
Irish Daily Star
Few other publications have brought the Rising to life as viscerally as Gerry Hunt’s Blood Upon the Rose … an interesting and fresh take on a tale that most people would assume they knew by rote
Sunday Tribune
pulls the story together brilliantly … a lovely thing to have
Tom Dunne, Newstalk 106
the Easter Rising as you’ve never seen it before … colourful comic story about the famous revolt
Evening Herald
SPECIAL OFFER: Three Freebies included with your order:
FREE – set of Teaching Activities accompany each order of 10+ Books
+ FREE 64 page copy of ‘EXPLORING The NOVEL in Primary School’ containing 78 activities. Cost per book is just €8.45 / 176 pages.
+ FREE CD ROM of interactive links to excellent online 1916 materials that will support your pupils reading of the novel and enliven & illustrate the historical context.
TO ORDER: send an email with your name, school name & address, state quantity and we will despatch next day with an invoice – to [email protected]
Kind regards,
Alish @ Rainbow Education Wexford 053 92 55860
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