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Amhrán is Fiche Eile


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SKU FF-1631245640 Category


Amhrán is Fiche Eile (“Another Twenty-one Songs”). Another music CD-ROM following on the success of Amhrán is fiche. 21 new songs sung by three well known singers from the different Gaeltachts. All the lyrics can be read on the screen, and you can “follow the bouncing ball” while the songs are being sung. You can play backing tracks without the singers so you can sing along Karaoke style. Other features on the CD include printable versions of the lyrics, English language translations, and sample lessons based on the songs for teachers.

List of Singers:

Éilís Ní Chinnéide
Aoife Ní Fhearraigh
Caitríona Ní Cheannabháin

Amhrán na Bó 
Ardaidh Cuain 
Bacach Buí na Léige 
Mo Chailín Rua 
Cill Chais 
Cuach mo Lon Dubh Buí 
Dá bhFaighinn mo Rogha de Thriúr Acu 
Éamonn an Chnoic 
Mo Ghille Mear 
Máire Mhór 
Óró Bog Liom Í 
Óro mo Bháidín 
Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh 
An Páistín Fionn 
Peigín is Peadar 
An Rógaire Dubh 
An Samhradh ag Filleadh go hÉirinn 
An Seanduine Dóite 
Tá Dhá Ghabhairín Bhuí Agam 
Tiocfaidh an Samhradh

“Whilst this CD is flagged by Fios Feasa for use in Gaelscoileanna, Scoileanna Gaeltachta, Coláistí Samhraidh and Foghlaimeoirí Fásta, it could also be used to great advantage in any primary school. The music curriculum advocates that one third of the music time be given to the strand of listening and responding. This fine CD is a worthwhile resource to intro­duce and expose primary school children to our Irish traditional songs.”
— Orla Ryng, Glasheen BNS, InTouch June 2008


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