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Amhrán is Fiche don Nollaig


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Amhrán is Fiche don Nollaig

On Amhrán is Fiche don Nollaig(“Twenty-one Christmas Songs”), three well-known singers from three different Gaeltachts: Méabh Ní Bheaglaoich, Síle Denvir and Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh sing twenty-one traditional Christmas songs in Irish. The format is similar to our two other titles, Amhrán is Fiche and Amhrán is Fiche Eile: the words of the song are visible on screen, with a little ball bouncing along highlighting the words that are being sung; there are backing tracks to enable you to sing the song karaoke style; there are English translations to the words available on the CD; there is a facility to print out the lyrics; and there are sample lesson plans for teachers illustrating ways in using the songs in a class room. As well as that, there are notes on every song and a glossary of rare or unusual words and sources.

List of Singers:

Méabh Ní Bheaglaoich
Síle Denvir
Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh

Track List:

Íosagán a Tháinig Chughainn
Dia do Bheatha a Naí Anocht
Bhí an Sneachta ag Titim
Seol Chughainn Síocháin
Insa Stábla
Na Leanaí i mBeithil
Le Coinnle na nAingeal
An Nollaig Theas
Dia do Bheatha a Naoidhe Naoimh
An Eipeafáine
An Leanbh Íosa
Ghluais an Dís
Seacht gCéad Déag Míle Fáilte
Don Oíche Úd i mBeithil
Coinnle an Linbh Íosa
Chuadar Siar is Aniar na Sráideanna
Chughainn do Seoladh Teachtaire Dé
Rug Muire Mac do Dhia
Soilse na Nollag
Cuireadh do Mhuire
Suantraí na Maighdine

Suitable for senior classes


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