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Amhrán is Fiche


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Amhrán is Fiche

A fantastic CD ROM Collection for use on the interactive whiteboard.

On Amhrán is Fiche (“Twenty-one Songs”), three well-known singers from three different Gaeltachts sing twenty-one favourite songs. Follow the bouncing ball in this karaoke-style program. Listen to the singers, and then play the songs without voice so that you can sing them yourself. Printable versions of the lyrics, on-screen English translations and sample lesson plans based on the songs are also available. The CD can also be played as music CD in a normal CD player.

List of Singers:

Éilís Ní Chinnéide
Aoife Ní Fhearraigh
Caitríona Ní Cheannabháin

Track List:

Amhráinín Síodraimín
An tAmhrán Náisiúnta
Bean Pháidín
Bheadh Buachaillín Deas ag Síle
Bhíos-sa Lá i bPort Láirge
Bó na Leath-adhairce
Cad É Sin don Té Sin?
Cailleach an Airgid
Dúlamán na Binne Buí
Fuaireas Cuireadh
An Maidrín Rua
Molly na gCuach Ní Chuileannáin
Nead na Lachan sa Mhúta
Níl Sé ina Lá
Ólaim Puins
One Day for Recreation
Óró Sé do Bheatha Abhaile
Peigín Leitir Móir
Preab san Ól
A Shaighdiúirín, a Chroí
Tá na Báid


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