100+ Fun Ideas for Teaching PE Games
100+ Fun Ideas for Teaching PE Games is a wonderful collection of tried-and-tested games that require little or no preparation. The fun, easy-to-implement games use readily available PE equipment and can be easily modified or adapted to suit the needs of your class.
The games have been specially chosen to encourage pupils to collaborate with each other and share amicably in a fun and cooperative way.
These imaginative activities will improve childrenʼs agility, coordination, aerobic fitness, speed, strength and relaxation skills.
Introduction …………………………….5–6
Agility games …………7–24
1. Divided we stand!…………………8
2. Who will get there? ……………..9
3. Catch the snake …………………..10
4. Look no hands! ……………………11
5. Knees ‘n’ ankles ………………….. 12
6. Knot the right person! ……….. 13
7. Taking orders! ……………………. 14
8. Blind guards ………………………. 15
9. Lace-chase …………………………. 16
10. Step on it! ………………………….. 16
11. Dress the chair …………………… 17
12. Hand-balloon …………………….. 18
13. The hunters ……………………….. 18
14. Chase the snake …………………. 19
15. Musical chairs ……………………. 20
16. Hoops take-away! ……………… 21
17. Hoops take-away! (variation) ..22
18. Hot hands …………………………..23
19. Aye, aye Captain …………………24
Co-ordination games 25–46
20. Stork race ……………………………26
21. Shoot the bag ……………………..27
22. Balloon-basket ……………………28
23. King of the castle ………………..29
24. Bursting balloons ………………..30
25. It’s a ‘push-over’! ………………..30
26. The ‘waiters’ race ……………….. 31
27. Ball knock-out! …………………..32
28. The hit ……………………………….. 33
29. Lie down, stand up! …………….34
30. Numbers …………………………….34
31. Burn out…………………………….. 35
32. Break the chain …………………..36
33. Here comes the wolf! ………… 37
34. Shooting through hoops ……..38
35. Heads or catch ……………………38
36. Catch it! ……………………………..39
37. Spinning tops……………………..40
38. Bowling ……………………………..40
39. Throw the hoop …………………. 41
40. Hooping pegs ……………………..42
41. To clean the fi eld ………………..43
42. Score line ………………………….. 44
43 Your turn ……………………………45
44. Net score ………………………….. 46
Resistance games ….. 47–63
45. The fi rst passes ………………….. 48
46. Cops and robbers……………….. 49
47. Who do we catch? ………………50
48. Swing-ball ………………………….. 51
49. Jump the rope …………………….52
50. Skipping game ……………………. 53
51. Catch the fl eet …………………….54
52. Don’t jump! ……………………….. 55
53. Collectors ……………………………56
54. Jumpers ……………………………… 57
55. Blow up balloons ………………. 57
56. Hop it …………………………………58
57. Frog fi ght ……………………………59
58. Jump through hoops …………. 60
59. What a parcel! …………………… 61
60. Transported in style! …………..62
61. Paper round! ………………………63
Speed games ……. P64–85
62. Tagged! ………………………………65
63. Heads and tails ………………….. 66
64. Four corners ……………………… 66
65. The lottery ticket ………………..67
66. Fetch the ball ……………………. 68
67. Mixed-up fi elds …………………. 69
68. Through the tunnel …………… 70
69. The pot ………………………………. 71
70. The fugitive letter ………………. 71
71. Dodgeball …………………………..72
72. Touch the colour …………………72
73. The wheels …………………………. 73
74. The fox and the chickens ……. 73
75. Change the colour ……………….74
76. Pursuit of four ……………………. 75
77. Star chase …………………………..76
78. Ball and hoop relay …………….. 77
79. Throw and catch volleyball ….78
80. Wolves and lambs ……………….79
81. The cell ……………………………… 80
82. Ball recall! ………………………… 80
83. Everybody catch ………………… 81
84. Balls out ……………………………..82
85. Drawing relay ……………………..83
86. Leapfrog chase ………………….. 84
87. Give me your hand ……………..85
88. Swat the fl y ………………………..85
89. Colours ……………………………… 86
Strength games ……87–97
90. Worm race ………………………… 88
91. Guard your line …………………. 89
92. Basket! ……………………………… 90
93. Bull’s-eye shotput ………………. 91
94. Piggyback guides ………………..92
95. Hopping pairs ……………………..93
96. The frogs and the acrobats … 94
97. On horseback! …………………….95
98. Medieval tournament …………95
99. The scarf knight ………………… 96
100. The horses in a circle …………..97
Winding-down games …… ………………… 98–110
101. The boat ……………………………. 99
102. Crazy questions ……………….. 100
103. The blind hen……………………. 101
104. Catch the thief! …………………102
105. Hot ball ……………………………. 103
106. The ‘backboard’ ………………… 103
107. The jumper ……………………….104
108. Human noughts and crosses 105
109. Fumbling around! …………….106
110. Woof, woof! ……………………. 107
111. Sending messages ……………..108
112. Fruit mix-up ……………………..109
113. Flick your button ……………… 110
Index …………………………….. 111-112
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