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100+ Fun Ideas for Teaching Boys in Primary School


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100+ Fun Ideas for Teaching Boys in Primary School


Visual, Kinaesthetic and Competitive Activities to Help Boys Achieve Their Potential



100+ Fun Ideas for Teaching Boys in Primary School contains over 170 practical ideas and strategies to maximize the potential of boys. Written by an experienced primary school teacher and based on the latest research, it provides tried-and-tested ways of getting the best out of the boys in your class.

In this book you will find out how to:

  • Integrate visual and kinaesthetic activities into your lessons
  • Harness boys’ natural competitiveness to good effect
  • Provide opportunities to enable boys to re-focus, process and re-energize
  • Use teamwork to engage boys in learning
  • Promote higher-order thinking skills.

All the class will benefit from these fun ideas, many of which will appeal to girls as well as boys. With boys engaged in learning and keen to participate, behaviour problems will be minimized, so more time can be spent teaching and learning


Visual teaching ideas



1 Visual word games 19

2 Pictorial activities 21

3 Presenting facts 22

4 Advertising 22

5 Structure grids 23

6 Classification keys 23

7 Quick quiz 24

8 Freeze frame 24

9 Kim’s game 24

10 Encyclopedic entry 25

11 Topic book 25



12 Visual literacy skills 26

13 Create a dictionary 27

14 Word banks 28

15 Book review 28

16 Character grids 29

17 Character work 30

18 Inspiring creative writing 31

19 Information book sections 33

20 Reports and reviews 34

21 Newspaper headline: sort and match

22 Newspaper/web news comparison


23 Comparative news 36

24 Film education 36

25 Media and plays 37

26 Ticket design 37

27 Posters 38

28 Picture that! 39

29 Show me 40

30 Role-playing 40

31 Giving instructions 41

32 Digital storyboard 42

33 Hyperlink PowerPoint 42

34 Different perspectives 43



35 Play your cards right 44

36 Co-ordinates symmetrical mask

37 Digital root patterns 45

38 Times tables graphs 46

39 Roman times tables 46

40 Ancient Egyptian multiplication



41 Line graph narrative 48

42 Recount 48



43 History pictorial activities 49

44 Historical maps 50

45 House comparison 51

46 Rich/poor comparison chart 51

47 TV news 52

48 When they were young 52

49 Personal and class timelines 53

50 Historical timetable 53

51 Alphabets 54

52 Scribe a letter 54



53 Local or world/national picture maps

54 Virtual maps 56

55 Sports map 57

56 Task map 57

57 Choropleth map 58

58 Identifying key features 59

59 Photo record 60

60 Holiday destinations 60

61 Estate agent 61

62 Cloud survey 61

63 Micro water cycle 62

64 Global food 62

65 Symbol and word match cards

66 Body and clothes beetle drive 64



67 Prayer 65



68 Action 66

69 Role models 67

70 Positive words 68

71 Personal timetable 68

72 Visual healthy menu 69

73 Lifestyle map 69


Kinaesthetic teaching ideas


74 Mime 70

75 Instructions 71

76 Thought lines 71

77 Name game 72

78 Secret whiteboards 72

79 Getting out of the classroom 73

80 3-D Carroll diagrams 74

81 Sorting ideas 75

82 Sequencing 76

83 Washing line 76



84 Fun spelling 77

85 Tactile words 78

86 Adjective word bank 78

87 Role-play 79

88 Student sculpture 79

89 Mr Men™ books 80

90 Book swap circle 80

91 Product review 81

92 Model making 82

93 Investigating characters 83

94 Lost 84



95 Shape maths 85

96 Team angles 86

97 Shape creation 86

98 Kinaesthetic patterns 87

99 Times table stand up factors 88

100 Magic chairs 88

101 Fractions 89

102 Step estimation 90

103 Team clocks 90

104 Axis co-ordinates Twister® 91



105 Transparent, translucent and opaque

106 Life-sized paper skeleton 93

107 Earth, Moon and Sun 94

108 Exploring nature 95

109 Junior field studies 97



110 Kinaesthetic history ideas 98

111 What really happened? 99



112 Inflatable globes 100

113 Geography Twister® 101

114 Compass bearings 101

115 International sign posts 102



116 Kinaesthetic MFL ideas 102

117 MFL Twister® 103



118 Physical prayer 103



119 Instant PE lesson 104

120 PE science 105



121 Friendly words 105

Competitive teaching ideas


122 Team raps and poems 106

123 Topic singing 106

124 Mistakes 107

125 Word and time boundary 107

126 Speaking challenges 108

127 Hot seat mind map 109

128 Listening, writing and speaking games

129 Name hat 111



130 Word pairs 112

131 Book team 113

132 Land’s End to John O’Groats reading race

133 Races 116

134 Secret definition 116

135 Envoy 117



136 Football pitch multiplication 118

137 Physical pairs 119

138 Number line: connect 3 119



139 MFL ideas 120

140 MFL noughts and crosses 121

141 Numbers, colours, shapes and letters

142 Colour ‘fruit’ 122

143 MFL faces 122

144 Last man standing 123



145 Map symbol snap 124

146 Treasure hunt 124



147 Magic stick 125

148 Roll out 126



149 Head down, thumbs up 127


Higher order thinking skills



150 Setting goals and providing feedback

151 Speaking games 129

152 Group discussion 130

153 Questions 131

154 Board game 131



155 Storytelling and debating 132

156 Soundtrack 133

157 Gathering information 133

158 Fact, opinion or belief? 134

159 Ask the author 134

160 Text discussion 135

161 Personal responses 136

162 Wrong reading 136

163 Prediction 137

164 Alternative scene 137

165 Alternative versions 138

166 Get to know your character 139

167 Creative writing starting points



168 Market research 143



169 Local improvements 144

170 Urban v rural 144

171 PE map 145

172 Playground map 146



173 What happens next? 147

174 Rules 147

175 Past lives 148

176 Topical music 148



177 Our prayer 149



178 Goal setting 149


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